I am having a lot of fun with my weekly CSA (community shared agriculture) regular share from Potomac Vegetable Farms. Each week I can’t wait to open my bag to see what new foods I’m going to find. This week here is what I received: sweet onions, fresh garlic, thai basil, asian eggplant, shallots, swiss chard, chocolate mint, squash, and blueberries. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten asian eggplant and I’m really looking forward to that. I’m not a fan of mint so I never knew there was even such a thing as chocolate mint. I’m going to have to give that one a try.
More swiss chard to eat and I’m looking forward to you sharing your recipes with me tomorrow on Friday Foodie Fix. I’m adding mine to a soup today.
I’ll also be using some of my favorite spice blends from Penzeys Spices. For those who keep asking about Shallot Pepper, Bouquet Garni, Parisien Bonnes Herbs, Fox Point, Sunny Paris and all of the other individual spices and herbs I use, here is the catalog where you can order some for yourself. They also have many store locations around the country. Find a location near you or order online or by calling. Just an FYI, they don’t pay me to share this information of give me free products. Any opinion I share on this blog is my opinon and I have lots of those.
Happy Summer!
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