Gluten Free Holiday Survival

The holidays are a wonderful time of the year.  There are often many parties and family gatherings with lots of food.  Lots of extra cheer and stress.  More to do than any other time of the year.   People giving and sharing their food almost everywhere you go.  Way more treats to eat than is reasonable for any one person to consume, yet we are often up for the task!

So you see there are many opportunities to do too much, eat too much, get too little exercise, get glutened and just give up.  Holly Jolly times!

I’m offering a Gluten Free Holiday Survival Free Teleseminar to help you find out :

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  • what most people do wrong during the holidays that can lead to excess stress and weight gain
  • what to do instead so you cruise through the rest of this year
  • how to start the new year heading in the healthy, happy direction you desire

Join me on December 19th for a free teleseminar on Gluten Free Holiday Survival.

You’ll need to register in order to get the call in information.  Go here for more details and to register.  

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