Happy New Year Gluten Free Friends


Happy New Year!

I am really looking forward to 2013.  2012 was an amazing year for me.  Lots of change, a big move and an opportunity to learn so much.  I’m a lucky gal.

I also am very lucky and thankful for all of you who read my blogposts, utilize the resources on this site, visit me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, read my newsletters and allow me the great honor of being your Gluten Free Health Coach.  I love interacting with you and working with you too.

The changes you have made in your lives is spectacular.

I love hearing the stories of you cooking and making great food for you and your family.  Or all of the amazing health changes you make in our coaching engagements.

You are the reason I love to go to work every day.  Thank you!

Now that we are just into the new year I hope you are making plans to continue to work on your health and take charge.  Take a little time to access how you feel.  Rate it on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being really bad and 10 being the best you have ever felt.  Now make a plan on how to move more towards that 10.   As you do this you will learn so much, try new things and feel better and better.

This is something I worked really hard on in 2012 and will continue to do so in 2013.  I’m happy to say I’ve made amazing progress towards that 10.  I’m eating more and more foods and even ones I have not been able to eat for years because my body couldn’t tolerate them.    I’m excited about all I’ve learned and I look forward to sharing what I’ve learned with you on this site, with my individual clients and those participating in the Next Level Cleanse (this had a lot to do with my improved health and eating more foods).

I wish you all the best in 2013.

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