America Recycles Day is Today!

The National Recycling Coalition is promoting the only nationally recognized day for encouraging people to recycle.  So glad we have one.  So do you recycle?  Do you think about it every time you get junk mail (recyclable) or do you just trash it?  Do you think if it rips I can recycle it?  Well if not I’m happy to share that thought with you.  Now it’s in your memory and every time you are about to throw out that magazine or the box your food just came in you’ll think, “Hmm I can rip this so I can recycle it”.  PaperBadge

There are many events all over the country on this holiday.  Check out your state and see if one is near you.  If not create your own.  Grab your kids and go meet your neighbors.  Talk to them about one thing they could recycle that they’re not.  Can you imagine the impact if everyone on your block recycled more.  You could change the planet.   Take the recycling pledge now.

So have fun on this day of recycling and share with us what you are going to start recycling now!

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