Are you new to reading blogs and just don’t get the whole thing? I’ve had people ask me questions that I thought I would share just in case you had the same questions.
So what is a blog?
A blog (a contraction of the term “Web log”) is similar to a website. However a blog is updated regularly with entries of commentary, descriptions of events, links to useful resources, videos, and ways to connect with fellow readers. “Blog” can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
What is found on this blog?
You can find information on living allergy free with a focus on gluten free, organic and more eco-friendly. On the left these categories are full of links to other blogs, websites and contacts. You can also find a listing of books I have found helpful and where you can purchase them for yourself. In the center are the regular entries of information or a “blog post”. These posts again focus on the 3 main areas. If you are interested in reading all the posts about a particular category in the left column under the title of Categories you will find a list of words. Click on the word you’re looking for and it will take you to all of the posts on that topic.
In the right column you can read my story, email me and sign up to receive an email when there is a new “blog post”. You can use the Google Search function to search the blog for whatever you type into the box. This can be helpful if you can’t find the term listed under categories. Also in the right column you can find the recipes I refer to in the blog posts. Please feel free to use these and share them but please give me credit for my creations.
You can also connect with me and other readers through our Shelfari book club, our Meet Up group and by following me on Twitter. Many ask what is Twitter. It is a way to stay in touch with others during the day and find out what they’re doing or thinking. The same way you might call a friend when you find a great deal somewhere or hear a news story. You can receive and send text messages out to your Twitter followers and those you follow.
Under Making Changes are direct links to the resources I used to get healthy. I have referenced them in many posts and wanted to make finding them easy for you. Archives will show you all of the blog posts written in the month listed and under Recent Comments you can see what people are saying about different blog posts. At the bottom is my new badge for being a featured blog and that cool Gluten Free cupcake. That will take you right to Karina’s Kitchen blog.
How do I get updates?
If you want to be notified when a new blog post is posted then you need to Subscribe. There is a green box on the right under Don’t Miss A Thing. Enter your email and follow the directions. You will receive an email that will ask you to verify your request. Basically you just click on the link they provide and a box will pop up saying you are now subscribed. You can unsubscribe anytime but I hope you’ll hang out with us.
When the email updates come what should I do?
That email is not the blog but a window to the blog. You can read the post in that email or click the headline and be taken directly to the blog. If you go to the blog you’ll get to see the photographs and anything new that has been added. You can also leave a comment on a blog post.
What if I want to comment?
I would love for you to leave a comment or question. Under each post there are some bold words. Find the word comment and click on it. You will be directed on how to leave a comment. You can share your experiences with the same topic, cheer, disagree or ask a question. It’s your turn to write.
How do I share this with someone else?
Also under the post you will see an envelope and Email this post. Click on that and it will automatically open an email for you with the link already there for you to share. All you need to do is enter the email address, your note, and hit send.
What is the Share This button?
If you like what you are reading you can share this with the blog world by clicking on that button. This will put it out there and tell others that this is something worth checking out.
I really appreciate when you take the time to leave a comment or share this blog with others. I hope you will take some time and poke around this blog. If you have questions or comments please leave them on the post or feel free to email me directly. That link is right above the Google Search.