How Changing Your Food Changed Your Lives

©Diane Eblin
©Diane Eblin

I’ve been reading the comments that have been left for the post Health Builders and I am so amazed and thankful by the good health found.    Babies, children, and adults have had their lives changed after going to Dr. Hai Jin Kim at Health Builders.  I am included in that list.  I know firsthand the difference eating gluten free, dairy free, yeast free, and sugar free has made in my life but hearing others share their stories really touches my heart.  I am so happy that people are seeking and finding the road to being healthy.  Getting rid of things like asthma, migraines, stomach and intestinal issues, depression, fatigue, sensory disturbances, muscle pain, memory loss and irritability just to name a few.  Thank you Dr. Kim.

Thank you all for sharing your stories.  I hope the post on Health Builders will continue to have wonderful stories added on how their health has changed and improved their lives.  Please feel free to add your story.

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