Winging It With Your Health

Can you “wing it” and live gluten free, organic, lose weight, or practice extreme self care?  My answer would be no.  This thought about “winging it” with your health came as I was reading Scott’s blog post today on his blog.  Let me digress and brag a little here about my husband.  If you’re an executive or love one check out the Next Level Blog and The Next Level: What Insiders Know About Executive Success.

Back to winging it with food, losing weight, self care and your health.  This is something I just would not recommend.  Say you are going out to eat with some friends and you decide to just wing it.  Most likely you’ll either be sitting and watching everyone else eat or you could get sick.  If you’re going out it’s best to call ahead and talk with the chef to find out if they can accommodate your food needs.  You also might like to have a little input into where you are going.  There are also great resources like the books The Essential Gluten-Free Restaurant Guide, 3rd Edition
or Let’s Eat Out!: Your Passport to Living Gluten And Allergy Free

What if you are trying to lose weight and you just wing it.  Chances are you’re not going to pay attention to what you eat or how much and what you’re doing to burn those extra calories.  Writing down what you eat has been proven over and over to be a key tool in success.  So is planning your menus.  Every month I share my menu and every week Menu Planning Monday is posted.  For more than 400 blogs that practice Menu Planning Monday check out OrgJunkie.

What if you want to take some time for your extreme self care and you just wing it.  Chances are you’ll continue to be at the bottom of your to do list and there are many things to keep bumping you further down.  Now if you took some time and found out the ways you want to take care of yourself then you can plan the how.  Cheryl Richardson’s book The Art of Extreme Self Care is a great guide for that.  She even has on online radio program you can do with her once a month.  Great stuff but she says do the work.  Don’t waste her time or yours by winging it. You can also get together with a group and support each other.  Here’s our meetup group doing just that. extreme-self-care-meetup

There’s an old saying if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  You just can’t wing it when it comes to your health, losing weight, eating the right foods or practicing Extreme Self Care.

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