What’s New on my CSA Farm

Well it’s not even spring yet but the farm is hard at work.  I have started receiving updates from Potomac Vegetable Farms on the progress of my summer foods.  I find this very cool.  I’ve had my own little garden with herbs and peppers but I really do not have a clue what it takes to run a successful farm.  I am looking forward to their updates.  They noted that they had a record number of shares sold to the West which is where I live and purchased.  I look upon this as a good sign that our economy will survive with people working together just like this CSA demonstrates.  I think there are more folks than me trying out their first CSA this year.

Currently at the farm they are planting the first seeds of the season.  They planted lettuce, celery, parsley, and three brassicas (cabbage, kale, kohlrabi). I find this particularly exciting because to my knowledge I’ve not eaten kohlrabi.  I am looking forward to cooking with this.  If you are already a fan of this vegetable and have used it in recipes please share.

If you have not joined a CSA check in your area to see if there are any still offering shares.  If not you can always visit the farmers markets and plant your own, either way get your fresh vegetables locally!

Fall at the Potomac Vegetable Farms Stand


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