Smokin’ Hot Mom Call Tomorrow

You may have noticed the pretty green and pink widget on the side of this blog that says Smokin’ Hot Mom.  Who wouldn’t want to be called that, well except maybe a dad.   I just love the title of this program that my health coach is offering.  Nina Manolson from Body Alive Body Aware is kicking off the program with a Free Teleclass on the 27th at noon.  If you sign up for the call and can’t attend it will be recorded but you have to sign up to get the recording sent to you.

Click here to visit Body Alive Body Aware.

When I read the following information from Nina, I answered yes too many times.  Keep track for yourself.

  • Do you tend to put everyone else’s needs before your own?
  • Is it difficult for you to find time for self-care?
  • Do you wish you felt better about your body?


    Being a mom has special challenges:
    When the magazines and self-care gurus tell you to “take more time for yourself”, it can feel a little unreal! How on earth are you supposed to take more time for yourself when you’re running around all day, taking care of kids, spouse, cooking, cleaning, working, volunteering, maintaining friendships and family – there just isn’t one more minute in the day left for you!


The 7 Steps to Being A Smokin’ Hot Mom – FREE Teleclass – is the system that you can put in your life and be guaranteed a shift in your energy, in your mood and in your body!

In the The 7 Steps to Being A Smokin’ Hot Mom Free Class you’ll learn the system that will:

  • Boost your energy.
  • Make your skin glow.
  • Uncover what’s holding you back from stepping into a vibrant you.
  • Teach you how you can actually take care of yourself amidst the busy life of a mom.
  • Help you develop healthy (but truly easy) habits that can stick with you for a lifetime and support your ideal weight.
  • Teach you about an ancient, but scientifically proven strategy that’s more effective for making shifts than will-power, dieting or white knuckling.
  • This is a system of permanent self-care that you can come back to again and again.
  • Learn how to get back to your sassy, selfish, and sexy self without any drastic diets or bootcamps!

Nina Manolson MA, LMT, CHC helps busy moms, who are great at taking care of everyone else but have neglected themselves. She teaches giving moms to prioritize themselves in a way that balances their whole life, makes them happier, healthier and turns them into a smokin’ hot moms who loves her life. She is passionate about helping my clients find wellness from within, through nourishment on all levels – body, mind, and spirit.

Nina is a Certified Health Coach, M.A. CHHC, LMT,  and the Founder of Body Alive, Body Aware: Wellness From Within. She has been in the health and wellness field for over 20 years and specializes in helping women live a life they love in a body they love!

Join us on April 27th at 12 pm for the FREE 7 Steps To Being A Smokin’ Hot Mom. But no worries if you can’t make the call. Sign up here and the recording will be sent to you.

During this 7 Steps to being a Smokin’ Hot Mom Free call, you’ll walk away with effective strategies that will reconnect you to your sexy, sassy, selfish self.

I’m signed up already.  Let me know if you sign up too.  We can start a new facebook group for Smokin’ Hot Moms.

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