Fall cleaning is highly underrated. I love this time of year for cleaning out even better than spring; getting the boys ready to get back to college and start high school has given me the opportunity to really sort through the mess.
I started with the refrigerator, feezer, and pantry. All of the foods that we no longer eat because of food intolerances I loaded up and took to my local homeless center. They were thrilled and so was I. I hate to see good food go to waste and they are always feeding lots of folks. (To find your own local homeless shelter or soup kitchen, click here and here.) This gave me room to stock the pantry (see above) with organic foods we love and can safely eat. We don’t eat very much that is processed but I do like to keep Quinoa, American Pole Caught Tuna and a few cans of organic beans on hand for those times I forget the overnight soak.
Once I got started there I began to sort through all the piles just hanging out in our house. There are so many organizations that pick up and others where you can deliver your stuff. What a great way to recycle instead of filling up the landfills with things that will be there for the next 1,000 years or so. Here are just a few:
As I was unearthing these mounds of mess I ended up with an SUV trunk load of old computers, software, cables, PDAs, cell phones and other technical equipment I don’t totally know what it does. So I jumped on to www.earth911.com where you can find out the location to recycle just about anything. I found an e-cycle place within 4 miles of my house. I’ll be taking those items this week. Well, now that leaves closets and drawers. I think I’ll leave that for next week. I don’t want all of the fun over all at once.
So what are you waiting for? Fall will be gone just as fast as summer! Go attack that pantry or that pile in the hall and Happy Fall cleaning. And don’t forget: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle!