We love spending the day at the Nats games in Washington, DC. The games offer a nice relaxing pace and great entertainment, plus they you bring small coolers. It’s amazing how so many things travel well in a cooler. This trip I brought a pound of shrimp I boiled with seasonings, hummus with red pepper chunks for dipping, fresh pineapple, my popcorn mix, my roasted peanut mix, potato chips, corn tortilla chips and my famous guacamole dip. I put them in our new “cool” cooler bag I picked up at Whole Foods. The sides are covered with little squares filled with liquid. You put the whole bag into the freezer and it becomes its own freezer pack. How cool is that! It made it through 6 innings but then thawed out in the hot sun. But I still think it’s a great idea.
We have tickets to one more game this season. I’m thinking I need to step it up and take those delicious hanger steaks I get from the Organic Butcher in McLean, VA and a grilled lobster tail. It’s always fun to pull out our meals at the games as the folks around us are eating the hot dogs and pretzels and completely boring stadium foods. You should always check when headed to an event if you can bring a cooler and what the size limit is. I’m sure your vittles will be better than what they’re serving.