2 cans organic chick peas drained and washed
1 clove garlic
1/4 cup tapioca flour
Celtic Sea Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1/2- 1 1/2 tsp Cayanne Pepper depending how hot you want it
1 tsp Cumin
1/2 tsp Coriander
1 tsp Parsley
Add all ingredients except water into the food processor. Mix until blended. Add water until it holds together. If it is not holding together and you have added too much water add more tapioca flour. You can form the mix into balls, patties or oval by molding it to the spoon.
Carefully place in hot cannola oil heated on medium high heat. When falafel is dark brown flip over. When both sides are the same color remove from oil onto a rack to drain.
I suggest you make a test one and see if you want to add more seasonings. I did not put too much here so you can add if you like a stronger flavor.
Dip in hummus or a Thaini sauce. Serve by itself or as a sandwich.
Tahini Sauce:
1 clove garlic made into a paste (put clove onto cutting board, add salt then use side of chef knife to break down garlic into a paste with many passovers of the knife)
1 teaspoon Celtic Se Salt
1/2 cup Organic Sesame Tahini from Arrowhead Mills
1/4- 1/2 cup water, adjust to your desired thickness
1-2 lemons juiced
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