Where is that Farmers Market?

©Diane Eblin
©Diane Eblin

Today’s Food section from The Washington Post is the one I wait for all winter long.  In today’s section is a Guide to Washington Area Farmers Markets.  This list covers The District, Maryland and Virginia.  I highly suggest you take it from the paper and post it on your refrigerator.   Nothing beats locally grown produce that is picked fresh for you.  Most open in May while some are open year round.  Check out the listing to find one near you.

The Washington Post also has an interactive map online.  It is a great way to see where the markets are located and get driving directions.  When you click on the marker, it gives you all of the information on name, location and hours.

If you don’t happen to live in my area but want to know where you can find your local farmers market, check out Local Harvest.  Either way start planning when and where you’ll be heading to get that fresh produce!

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