Kitchen Inventory and Menu Planning Reminder

©Diane Eblin
©Diane Eblin

Here is your reminder.   It’s the last weekend of the month and time to inventory your kitchen.  This way you can use what you have on hand to create your monthly or weekly menus and save time and money.  I really like making a monthly menu.   It only takes me 10 minutes longer than I was spending on the weekly and I only do it once a month.  That saves me a lot of time, and with everything I’m juggling right now I need all the time I can get.

But I guess you are not busy and have a lot of time on your hands. That’s why you don’t need to check and see what foods you already have on hand and make a menu, right.  Well you know I’m just yanking your chain.  Not very many people have all the time and money they want to just use it without thinking.

Now I know some of you have been trying this. You’ve done the inventory and you’ve created monthly menus. I’d love to hear from you and let me know how much money you are saving with a plan. That’s usually easier than calculating how much time you’re saving.   It saves the time of opening the refrigerator when you’re already hungry and staring at it with that desperate blank look and ask, “what can we eat for dinner?”

I’m still saving 40% off my monthly grocery bill compared to when I was not making a menu and checking inventory.

So, let me hear from you. What treasures did you find hiding in your refrigerator and freezer. How much money are you saving?

Coming soon, new tools to help make all of this easier. I’ll let you know all about it as soon as I can.

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