Monthly Menu Plan- August Celebration

zinnia and daisy

August! August!  What happened to my summer! We must savor every day in August before the bustle of fall sets in with kids back in school and everyone home from vacation.  August is one of my favorite months of the year.  It’s the month both of my boys were born.  I have to brag a little because I have two great guys.  I’m very proud of the young men they are becoming.  They give us a lot of joy and only a little heartburn.  Actually the dog gives us more but that’s another story.

August also marks one year of me blogging.  I started this blog with a post on August 9th while I was on vacation.  I can’t believe I’ve been sitting at my computer for a year, typing to myself, hoping people would find this blog, join in and hopefully take away something useful.  I have to say I have received more from this blog than I ever imagined.  I’ve met great people online and hopefully in person this fall at the BlogHer Food Conference.  I’ve learned a lot by the questions and comments that are left.  I’ve also found lots of great blogs by following the people that have left comments.

I love how the gluten free community supports each other.  But I also love that people that don’t have to live gluten and dairy free also visit this blog.  My philosophy is good food, no matter what.  No matter if you have to omit certain ingredients or not, it should always be good food.   More on that later in the month, for now how about that menu.  The vegetable side dishes will be determined by what I get each week in my CSA bag!

Oh, before I forget.  I was sent a cookbook by Robert M. Landolphi called Gluten Free Every Day and was asked to look it over and share what I thought.  At first glance it looks good but I want to try some of the recipes first before I give my opinion.  People should know when they ask for my opinion I’m going to give it to you straight, no matter if you gave me something or not.  If I don’t like it, I’ll tell you.  That usually scares people off and they don’t send me anything but Robert was brave.  I’ll let you know this month what I think.

Now, on to the menu.

1-Freezer Fun with leftovers

2- Ostrich Steaks and vegetable fritters

3- Firefly Restaurant to celebrate Andy’s 20th Birthday

4- Jaleo DC right before the American Idol Concert!

5- Tuna and Chickpea Salad

6- Enchiladas

7- London Broil

8- Swordfish

9- Pork Roast

10- Mahi Mahi

11- Chicken Wings

12- Crab Cakes from Gluten Free Every Day Cookbook

13- Ostrich

14- Catch of the Day

15- Beef and Cabbage with Tomatoes

16- Spaghetti with Turkey Meatballs

17- Celebration Dinner for Brad’s 16th Birthday

18- Ostrich

19- Pupusas

20- Chicken Picatta from Gluten Free Every Day Cookbook

21- Beef Brisket

22- Crab Feast

23- Polenta French Toast with Bacon

24- Leftovers!

25- Burgers- something fun

26- Shrimp Surprise

27- Grilled Vegetable Kabobs

28- Mexican Casserole

29- Pesto Pasta

30- Buffalo Chicken Burger

31- Fish of the Day

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