Triumph Dining Gluten Free Guide Books and Dining Cards

When I first found out I needed to live gluten free, I purchased a few books including the Triumph Dining Gluten Free Restaurant Guide book with Dining Cards.  It was a life saver. The book is currently in the 4th Edition printing with 5000 restaurants listed.  That’s a lot of choices.  When I travel, I always take either the book or a copy of the pages for my destination.

The Dining Cards come in multiple cuisines and languages.  Chinese, French, Greek, Indian, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, Thai, and Vietnamese cards in those languages and for those cuisines. There’s even one in English (for restaurants that aren’t fluent in Gluten-Free). The cards are laminated so they stay clean and fresh looking even after carrying them around in my purse for a few years and handing them to many servers and managers.   They are both great resources.

Tonight on the way home from my son’s soccer practice, we stopped at our favorite burger joint.  When I was placing my order I was explaining that I would get sick if I ate a bun or if they handled a bun and then handled my burger.  The person taking the order and the person cooking did not understand.  I then asked if they spoke Spanish.  Thankfully they did.  I reached in my purse and grabbed my American dining card.  On one side is the explanation of what I need and what I can’t have in English and on the other side it’s in Spanish.  They read the card and our dialog began.  They understood what I was trying to explain and fixed my order exactly like I needed.  If had not had my Dining Card with me I would have gone home hungry.

Newer to their collection is the Gluten Free Grocery Guide.  This book is in the 2nd edition printing.  It lists over 30,000 products and is organized by grocery store isles.  I have not actually seen this book yet but I’m going to order it.  I don’t buy many processed products but when I’m traveling and away from my local stores or trying a new recipe that calls for new ingredients, I could really use help in finding gluten free items.  This book sounds like another great resource.

If you have either or both of these books I’d love to hear from you.

I have just joined their associate program.  That means if you click on the picture on this blog it will take you to the Triumph Dining website.  If you purchase from them using that direct link you support this blog financially.  So if you are thinking of purchasing them anyway, I would be very appreciative if you did via my blog.  This book has always been listed in my resources and I’m happy to keep sharing it.

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