Friday Foodie Fix – Agave

Friday Foodie Fix

This week’s Secret Ingredient for Friday Foodie Fix is Agave.  Agave is a succulent plant that grows in the south-western US and in Mexico and Central America.  Agave syrup or nectar is sweet and is often used as a substitute for cane sugar.  It has a lower glycemic index than cane sugar, so many people concerned with their sugar intake make the switch.

Friday Foodie Fix - Agave Now here is where we can run into trouble.  Thinking that one can eat as much agave as they like is not the approach to take.  Agave nectar is fructose and glucose.  And lets all repeat what that means, it’ssimple sugar.  So using agave does not make the food sugar free.  Also, some people have the same reaction to agave as IBS.  So don’t over do it.  If there is one thing I’ve learned in life to be true no matter what, sugar of any type is addictive.  It can cause swelling, pain, weight gain, malabsorption of nutrients.  It can also create such a strong hold over a person that you will go out at all hours of the night just to get a fix.

Oh yeah, and you probably noticed it’s used to make tequila.  No wonder I love margaritas!  Had some great ones in San Francisco with my friend Shirley (gluten free easily) at BlogHer Food Conference.   Can’t wait for this year.  Already signed up and going back for more of those margaritas!  Where was I?   Oh, see how easily distracted I get thinking about food and sharing it with friends.

©Diane Eblin

Back to what I was saying.  So a little goes a long way.  I do like agave nectar and use it in my baking and cooking often.  I’ve even used it on a roast before I covered it in seasonings.  I’ve used it in Blueberry Ice Cream, Pumpkin Pudding, Chocolate Sorbet, Amazing Toasted Nuts, Blueberry and Blackberry Crumble Pie, and Bananas Foster.

OK, so you can see what I mean with getting carried away with sugars and who I was talking about.  Thankfully I didn’t make these all in the same week.  But this is the week to share your recipes using agave.

PLEASE only add links to recipes that use the Secret Ingredient Agave.  If not I will have to remove it and I hate doing that.  Also, please link your recipe back to this page and make sure your recipe link is to that specific recipe and not your home page.

You can also add recipes in the comments section and leave your tips for using agave and not over using it.

Next week’s Secret Ingredient is ……………………….Kale!

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