I am reviewing two products from this company, Almond Flour and Cranberry Cashew Granola from jk gourmet. Disclaimer: I was sent these two products for free and asked to review them for the website Go Dairy Free. I don’t do this very often because most products that request my review are not ones I might eat. But when Alisa contacted me about these products and I reviewed their website it looked promising.
The products arrived and as usual got lost in the shuffle. Finally during one of my baking weekends I used them both. I made Susan O’Brien’s recipe for Granola Bars and I made the Double Chocolate Clementine Vita-Mix Cake. They both turned out great. I love to bake with almond flour so that was an easy on for me to use up fast. The granola was a good treat to pack for being on the road or on the airplane.
I think I’ll be finding out where to get more of these items and I may check out what else they make. When purchasing products that are in box, always read the list of ingredients. If you don’t know what something is, don’t eat it. These products contained real food. That’s what I’m looking for!
You can also find this post on Go Dairy Free.
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