30 Days to a Food Revolution- Ginger Lemon Girl

30 Days to a Food Revolution- One Frugal Foodie Carrie is the author of the successful gluten free food & recipe blog: Gingerlemongirl.com (https://gingerlemongirl.com). In late 2007 after years of debilitating migraine headaches & GI distress, Carrie decided to follow a gluten free diet to see if it would alleviate her symptoms. 6 months later nearly all of her symptoms were relieved. By 2009 Carrie also removed casein and soy from her diet. She realized the proteins from these 3 foods (gluten, soy, & casein) made her sick and kept her from 30 Days to a Food Revolution Day 25- Ginger Lemon Girl living life to it’s fullest. Carrie is now a dedicated advocate of eating whole, natural & organic foods, living sustainably, and living a life that’s full of healthy balance. She blogs regularly sharing original gluten free recipes with an emphasis on eating natural, whole, mostly vegetarian foods. Carrie is also a freelance gluten free food writer with articles and gluten free recipes that have recently appeared in Taste of Home’s Healthy Cooking, Delight Gluten Free ,TheExaminer.com, and $5DollarDinners.com .

Easy Cooking Techniques for Weeknight Meals:

Quick Omelettes

I wish I had the time to make fancy dinners at our house… but I can honestly tell you unless it’s a weekend night, we eat very simple meals.

One of my favorite, quick last minute meals is omelettes.  Several great things about omelettes:

  • · Easy to prep & prepare.
  • · Can use lots of leftovers to make a brand new meal.
  • · A great way to serve a frugal protein.

Here’s how I generally make omelettes in our house.

The first step is to prepare your omelette fillings. The night we made these omelettes I had spinach from our local CSA, a green pepper, a roma tomato, turkey bacon, and some a piece of sandwich ham.

  1. 1. Simply chop your omelette fillings into small pieces so that they can be sprinkled in the middle of your omelette when it’s ready.
  2. 2. Get your skillet or pan hot & ready to cook the omelette. I use a non-stick pan like this, but any type of non-stick or heavy bottomed skillet will do. Add about a tablespoon of oil (or butter) or spritz your pan with non-stick cooking spray at now.
  3. 3. While your pan is heating, prepare your eggs. For each omelette I simply use 2 eggs. Whisk the eggs together in a small bowl.
  4. 4. When your pan is hot enough to sizzle a drop of water. Add your eggs. I like to gently roll the whisked egg around the pan to form a quick circle. Allow the mixture to cook for about 30 seconds.
  5. 5. When the eggs have set and have a slight custardy appearance in the middle add 3-4 tablespoons of your prepared fillings on one side of your omelette. If you add too many fillings you’ll have a messy (but still delicious omelette!)
  6. 6. Using a spatula, flip the side of the omelette without fillings onto the other side to “enclose” your omelette. If you’re feeling your inner Julia Child you can certainly flip your omelette using the pan instead of your spatula… but I promise it will taste delicious no matter how you do it!
  7. 7. Serve the omelette immediately.

If you’re nervous about omelettes and unsure as to how to “flip” them, this is a great tutorial.

Don’t worry if you omelette isn’t perfect, as you can see from my picture… I used too many fillings in this one. And it’s okay!  It wasn’t picture perfect, but it was still a delicious, filling, and healthy meal.

Eggs are such quick, frugal protein option for week night meals. Next time you need a super fast meal on the dinner table try omelettes for dinner!

For more fun read on at Ginger Lemon Girl today!

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