Today’s Secret Ingredient for Friday Foodie Fix is coffee. People either love it or hate it. I’ve never been a fan but my college age son says I should really give it a try and can be used in so many recipes.
So this summer on vacation we went to Blue Bottle Coffee in San Francisco. I had him with me and thought I would try my first cup of coffee. It was mixed with chocolate and I’m sure that has a name. I thought the combo might be something I liked. They did a great job of making sure it was gluten and dairy free but I still didn’t like it. His next suggestion is to start with a latte and gradually add in the coffee. Maybe I’ll give this a try on my next visit to Blue Bottle.
Writing about coffee today I went to my tried and true Deluxe Food Lover’s Companion and they have a lot of information on the subject. They tell you where it is thought to have originated, Ethiopia, all about the different types of beans and how they go from bean to your cup. They also suggest storing whole roasted beans in an airtight container in a cool, dry place for up to 2 weeks and for long storage the freezer up to 3 months. I guess that bag I’ve had in the freezer since last Christmas should go to the garden.
They (Food Lover’s Companion) also share how to make the perfect-tasting cup of coffee. I didn’t know that you have to start with an absolutely clean coffee pot and filter. The residual coffee oils from previous brews can make the current batch a bitter or rancid flavor. I guess if I’m making pot after pot in a row it needs more than a good rinsing. Check out their book for more of those great tips.
So I don’t drink or cook with coffee but I know a lot of you do. So I am hoping you will share some great ideas of both food and drink that uses coffee so I’ll have more options to try as I continue my search for coffee I like.
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