Friday Foodie Fix- Honey

Friday Foodie Fix
Friday Foodie Fix

Today’s Secret Ingredient for Friday Foodie Fix is Honey!  Sweet sticky liquid gold.  A wonderful gift to us from bees.  I like honey in my tea, in my muffins, salad dressings, glazes and sauces.  The best honey I’ve tasted came from fellow blogger Shirley from gluten free easily.  Tastes amazing.  I’m not sure what types of flowers her bees hang out with but I like it.

This honey has also been showing up in my hot tea for the past week while I’m fighting off this nagging cold that won’t seem to bug off.  The honey does make my throat feel much better.

After reading Gluten-Free Girl and The Chef’s new cookbook, I’m looking for White Truffle Honey.  They use it in one of their recipes and it sounds amazing.  I have honey and I have white truffle oil.  I’m not sure if I can make my own or not.  I’m hoping to find some so I can taste the real thing.  I have lavender honey and creamed honey but that is the extent of my honey collection.

What types of honey do you have?  How do you use honey?  Share your stories and recipes.  I can’t wait to hear about different types of honey.  Feel free to share as many recipes as you like.  I’d love to see our totals hit an all time high.

Next week’s Secret Ingredient is ……. tomatillos!


October  8- Thyme

October 15- Grapes

October 22- Balsamic Vinegar

October 29- Pepitas

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