This week’s Secret Ingredient for Friday Foodie Fix is tomatillos. I love tomatillos. I like to make Tomatillo Salsa and Creamy Tomatillo Salsa. I also love to make Rick Bayless’ crockpot meal of layered chicken, tomatillios, onions, potatoes and pickled jalapenos. I’ve added them to my Mexican Pizza and Mini Tomatillo Chicken Burgers. They also taste great in soups and salads.
Last year I grew the tomatillos that are pictured here. The plants were prolific and I lived on tomatillos. This year I planted a purple tomatillo plant and I only harvested 3 so far. Oh well, I always find the green ones at the farmers market. I really wanted to make purple salsa like Andrea Meyers from Andrea’s Recipes. It looks amazing and since they are freshly grown on her property, I’m sure it tastes amazing too.
If you have never played with tomatillos you really need to give them a try. They are covered in these thin paper like husks that when you remove leave a sticky film behind. It is easily rinsed off. They are often called the Mexican green tomato and belong to the same nightshade family as a tomato. Tomatillos are rich in Vitamin A and contain a good amount of Vitamin C.
If you have never tried tomatillos because you were afraid you wouldn’t like them or know what to do then this is the time to try them. Next month I am hosting the blogging event known as Go Ahead Honey, It’s Gluten Free that was started by Naomi Devlin. She authors the blog Straight Into Bed, Cakefree and Dried. My theme for the event is Scared Silly!
These are recipes using foods you were scared to eat but once you tried them realized it was silly. It’s really easy to participate. Simply write your blog post and send me an email with the photo and the link to the post no later than Saturday, October 23rd. I will then compile them all and share them in a post at the end of the month. I hope you will join in and share your recipes. Email your link and photo to diane at thewholegang dot org. If you think you are going to participate let me know in the comments, on facebook or email.
Now if you have already created recipes with tomatillos please share them here and now.
Next week’s Secret Ingredient is ….Thyme
October 15- Grapes
October 22- Balsamic Vinegar
October 29- Pepitas
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