Captain Jack’s Chocolate Rum Cookie Recipe

Captain Jack's Chocolate Rum Cookie Recipe What could be better than chocolate and rum?  Maybe a good looking pirate to share them with!

Grab your pirate and enjoy a plate of these little treasures.  Well, you might want to share it with the whole crew because this recipe makes 48 cookies.

I’m really excited to be sharing this cookie recipe with you.   They never would have come to be if it wasn’t for Silvana.

Silvana Nardone from Dish Towel Diaries and author of Cooking for Isaiah: Gluten-Free & Dairy-Free Recipes for Easy Delicious Meals contacted me about her Gluten-Free Holiday Cookie Countdown.  31 Days, 31 Recipes and 31 Gifts.  It sounded like fun and I said I would love to join.  I’m always up for fun!  Then I started thinking that I don’t really bake very often.  Right now grains are giving me trouble so what was I going to bake with and what was I going to make that was different.  I started to panic.

I first went to Silvana’s new cookbook which I think is great.  She has a great all purpose flour mixture but unfortunately it had ingredients I couldn’t eat.

So on to Plan B.  I always have almond flour in the refrigerator because I often cook from Elana Amsterdam’s The Gluten-Free Almond Flour Cookbook.  We bake scones of all types and a lot of her chocolate chip cookies.

So with that in mind I thought I could build or change her chocolate chip recipe to create something new.  If you are looking for her original recipe go to page 98 of her book.

If you can’t eat almonds head to Silvana’s flour blend recipe in the front of her cookbook.  Either way you’re in cookies!

Captain Jack's Chocolate Rum Cookie Recipe I had recently pulled out our few liquior bottles to inventory for our holiday party.  The rum was sitting there so I of course thought I would soak some raisins in the rum.   If nothing else I would have a great snack.

From there I grabbed some spices from my cubbard and started mixing.  I couldn’t resist and had to taste the cookie dough to see if I was on the right path.  That was my first mistake.  It was really good.  I could have just sat there with a spoon and gone to town.  But that would not leave me with any cookies to photograph and after all this had all started with saying I would share this recipe with Silvana.

So I popped them into the oven to cook, moved them to the rack to cool and yep didn’t wait.  I burnt my tongue tasting the hot cookies.  I thought they tasted great so I let them cool and stacked them up for their beauty shot.

So far everyone who has tasted them has loved these cookies and the only request was for more rum in the cookies.  I will say I only let the raisins soak for 2-3 hours and they needed more time.  The longer they soak the more rum they will absorb.  I have raisins soaking as I type so I can make more cookies this week.

Captain Jack's Chocolate Rum Cookie Recipe The last step of this adventure was to give these cookies a name.  When anyone mentions rum to me the first thing I think about is Captain Jack Sparrow played in the movies by the incredibly sexy Johnny Depp.  I think he would like these cookies and I’d love to send him a tin for the opening of the next movie- Pirates of the Caribbean  On Strangers Tides opening May 20, 2011. (if you have a connections let me know)

So I’m very happy to share this recipe with Silvana’s Gluten-Free Holiday Cookie Countdown.  Head there now to leave a comment for your chance to win!  Make sure you go back to Dish Towel Diaries each day for a new recipe and a chance to win a gift.  Today she is featuring this recipe and giving away my cookbook.

Captain Jack’s Chocolate Rum Cookie Recipe


1/3 cup organic raisins

enough rum to cover the raisins

2 ½ cups almond flour

½ tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp nutmeg

½ tsp salt

¾ tsp baking soda

½ cup grapeseed oil

½ cup agave nectar

1 TB vanilla extract

1 cup chocolate chips or coarsely chopped dark chocolate

½ cup chopped pecans


Add your raisins and rum to cover into a small bowl and let sit at room temperature for at least 4 hours.  The longer they have to soak up the wonderful rum the better.

When you are ready to bake your cookies preheat your oven to 350 degrees.

In a large bowl mix together the almond flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt and baking soda.

In a separate small bowl mix the oil, agave, and vanilla.

Now add the small bowl wet ingredients to the large bowl of dry ingredients and mix.  When thoroughly combined stir in the chocolate chips and pecans.

With a slotted spoon remove your raisins from the rum and add to the cookie dough and combine.

Now toss the cookie dough into the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes while you clean up.  It will make scooping easier.

Using a small scoop or teaspoon,  place small spoonful onto a parchment paper lined cookie sheet and give it a little push to flatten if in a large mound.  I like to use my #70 Scoop which is .5 oz size.  It makes adding cookies fast.  I usually get 24 cookies to a tray and bake off two trays.

Bake for 6-10 minutes depending on the size of your cookie and your oven temperature.  When golden brown tops start to appear your cookies are done.  Remove them to a cooling rack and try not to burn yourself sampling these little treasures.

Enjoy your cookies and don’t forget to help Captain Jack find that Fountain of Youth he’s looking for this Spring.
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You can also find these cookies at the Sensitive Pantry and Gluten-Free Homemaker.

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