Nutritional Information For You

I finally did it.  I figured out my new computer program MacGourmet.  I have wanted to be able to share with you the nutritional information on the recipes I create.  I think knowing what you are eating is so important and having an idea of that nutritional content is just more information to sink your teeth into.

I’m using the program MacGourmet Deluxe.  The Nutritional Database in the program pulls from the USDA.  Sometimes they will not have specific items I use like the Honeyville Blanched Almond Meal Flour, 5 lb. but I can enter that data from the package.  Since I cook with mostly whole real foods they are usually easily found.

Please remember as you are looking at my recipes and the nutritional data that it is for what I’ve added and calculated.  This may not be the case for what you make.  Even if you are using exactly what I’ve entered please just use this as a guide and not as written in stone.

I do not have plans to go back and enter all of my past recipes to calculate the data but I may do a few.  If I do I will repost them for you so you can see the numbers.

I’m still learning the program and all the cool things it can do.  If you have a Mac and you love food you should grab this program.  It can help you create menus, shopping lists and even a cookbook.  Hmmm.  Well there is still a lot for me to learn.  For instance you can import recipes.  Now if I can figure that out I’ll really be cooking.  Just remember if you have the program you are welcome to use my recipe, just not republish it without my permission or any photos of my food.

I’m working on writing up a great recipe that I’ve been teasing you about for too long for Monday’s post.  It’s my amazing meatballs that are so full of goodness that you will want to make them for anyone you love.  Have a great weekend.

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