Food Trends 2012 Includes Gluten Free

With the new year there is a lot of talk about what the food trends will be this year.  After looking through 20 lists I have a really long list.  Everyone has their own ideas and most are different from each other.  There are however some that come up on many lists.

But really what do these so called predicted trends mean to you and me?  If you look back on the trends from 2011 you can see many of them actually came to fruition.  Well in the overall scheme of things but maybe not in your house.

So here are some trends noted for this year.  Look it over and see which ones you think will actually happen in your life.  Are there some listed here that already are part of your life?

Let’s make our own list.  Please leave me a comment on what  YOUR food trends will be in 2012.

Salt way beyond table salt, more sea salts, grey, black, Himalayan

Gluten Free foods

Artisan Chocolates

Seaweed chips

Food Trucks

Peruvian, Moroccan, Jewish, Korean, Cuban and Global foods

Coconut Oil and Water

Comfort Foods

Specialty Meats

Exotic Fish



Exotic Herbs and Spices



Bitter Greens

Cooking with friends

DIY cooking kits

Funky Pizza

What’s on your Food Trend list for 2012?


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