Tips for Travel and Eating Out Gluten Free

For those just heading out on a summer vacation, here are a few tips taken from my newsletter.  I hope you are going somewhere fun with your family or friends.  While you’re there, enjoy eating out gluten free with these tips below.  Use both of these to help you lead that easy healthy gluten free life.  Oh and let me know if you have an extra ticket!

Travel Tips

The Summer travel season is upon us. For some people, this means a lot of anxiety around where to go and how to get there while being able to safely eat at the same time. I’m working on a fun little e-book on this topic, so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, here are my Three P’s for fun and nutritionally safe travel.

Plan it!

Take the time to plan out the food for your trip by  researching and knowing what’s in store for you when you arrive.  Check out the web sites for where you’re going and learn about the dining and shopping options in the area.

Pack it!

Create and pack a food travel kit.   I have one that I take with me on trips.  What goes in it depends on what’s available at my destination and how long I’m staying.  It can range from simple snacks to kitchen equipment like my own cutting boards, knife and sponge.  It all depends on where you’ll be staying. (This is why planning ahead is key.)

Pursue it!

Have fun while you’re there!  Always have a little snack with you just in case you’re skipping an unsafe meal until you can get to a safe one. Take lots of pictures and share with others so they can visit the safe places you’ve searched out.

Eating Out Tips

When you are traveling to an event that is centered around food there are a few tips that are very helpful to those living gluten free.

Check in with your host.

Let them know about your needs and offer to speak to the caterer so you don’t give them any more work. This way you can speak directly with the people making your food and you can find out what will be served, how it will be served and how it will be prepared along with the ingredients. All of these are important information to have in order to avoid gluten.

Always travel with back up food on hand.

If it’s a potluck this is easy. You bring what you can eat and make sure you server yourself first in case there is cross contamination from others. If not pack something and enjoy the drinks and company.

If you are attending a BBQ…

you can have your food cooked in foil to avoid cross contamination as long as you know the ingredients are safe. If not bring your own foil packet and toss into the coals. We used to do this at Girl Scout Camp. Burger and diced onion, carrots and potatoes.
Above all have fun and enjoy the people you are with and don’t worry so much if you are eating what everyone else is eating. I find it’s better to be safe than sorry and get to spend time with friends and family.

Now I’d like to hear from you.

What are  your favorite tips for traveling and eating out gluten free?

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