Obamas to Plant White House Vegetable Garden

white-house-garden Last year, Kitchen Gardeners International started a petition campaign to encourage the White House to plant a vegetable garden.  Guess what, it worked!  Today the New York Times confirmed that the Obamas are indeed planting a garden.  They’ll “feed their love of Mexican food with cilantro, tomatillos and hot peppers.  Lettuces will include red romaine, green oak leaf, butterhead, red leaf and galactic. There will be spinach, chard, collards and black kale. For desserts, there will be a patch of berries. And herbs will include some more unusual varieties, like anise hyssop and Thai basil.”

Children from a Washington, D.C.  school will help Mrs. Obama dig the garden.  The First Lady says that the whole family, including the President, will help weed the garden.  I’m looking forward to seeing those photos!
Reading through the article I was very excited to see that Mrs. Obama thinks there are many ways to make food changes in addition to gardening.   “You can begin in your own cupboard,” she said, “by eliminating processed food, trying to cook a meal a little more often, trying to incorporate more fruits and vegetables.”

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