Ostrich Steak Strips Stir-fry

Ostrich Steak   ©Diane Eblin
Ostrich Steak ©Diane Eblin

This summer I’m all about making really quick meals.  This one definitely qualifies taking 10 minutes cutting board to plate.  It’s also is a lean alternative to those who are tired of beef.  I really like using the Ostrich Steak Strips because they are already cut for me.  I’ve been really happy with every Blackwing Meat products I’ve tried.  I also use a lot of spices and herbs from Penzeys.  If you have not visited their store or their website you are really missing out.  They have some great combinations that can make your life a lot easier.  The herbs and spices are gluten free but the soup bases are not.


2 –  6 oz packages of Ostrich Steak Strips (I like Blackwing Meats)

1 large organic yellow onion sliced, love the sweet vidalia onions

handful of trumpet mushrooms

handful of shiitake mushrooms sliced, stems removed

1 tsp Virgin organic coconut oil

1 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1-2 tsp Shallot-Pepper from Penzeys (coarse salt, Tellicherry black pepper, purple shallots, french tarragon and powdered bay leaves)


Heat pan to medium high and add in both oils.  Saute onions until translucent, add in mushrooms until they start to brown.  Don’t add salt to mushrooms when you start to cook them.  This will release the water and they will not brown.  Next add in the Ostrich meat and saute until slightly brown, toss in seasonings and you’re done.

That’s it.  It took longer to write this post than it did to cook this meal.  The best part was the long string of compliments that came from serving this meal.  It’s funny how I can make a 10 minute meal that gets rave reviews but spend an hour in the kitchen on some dishes that barely get a mention.  Note to self, make this meal again!

Don’t forget to check out What’s For Dinner Wednesday.

Spring this recipe!

king trumpet mushroom golden trumpet mushroom

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