Weekly Menu Plan and Grocery List Online Tools

I love finding tools that will help me save time and money. Well I think I’ve found one that can help me with my weekly menu plan, grocery list, and a whole lot more. Springpad!

Springpad is a start-up from Boston that has created this new online world.   For you computer savoy folks it’s in beta.   There you can collect, use and share whatever you want with your friends or keep them private.  You can do this by creating springpads.   They have lots of templates separated into categories like House and Home, Travel and Places, Celebrations and Holidays, Health and Fitness, Food and Recipes and many more.   I of course love the Food and Recipes springpads.

With the Food and Recipes springpad you can plan your weekly menu by adding your own recipes, pull from other Springpad users or add them right from your favorite online resources.  Then you can even create a grocery shopping list right from your menu. If you already have some of the ingredients on hand you can un-check the items off your list. Check out the Weekly Menu Plan.

I’ve created my profile on Springpad and have entered some of my recipes.  I plan on using this tool to share creative menu combinations and grocery lists to offer ideas for parties, holidays and such.  If you create your own profile you can follow other members and find out what they’re creating. They have also made it very easy to use this tool on your cell phone with a mobile web app.

Right now they have an inventory area but it doesn’t talk to the rest of the springpads so you can’t use it to cross reference recipes but I hope they are working on that. For now I just load in a file as a note that has my monthly inventory. I can access it while I’m out shopping in case I see something on sale and a new meal comes to mind.  This way I can check if I have the other ingredients on hand.  You can always ask and I’d be happy to share with you my inventory template.

Springpad does a great job with videos that show you exactly how to use their tools.  Check out how to share, mobile web app, and tons more.

Let me know if you check it out and what you think.  If you jump on let me know by following me and I’ll follow you back.  Every once in a while I’ll also be sharing recipes on my Springpad that are not on my blog.  Share with us how you are using the tool too.  There are so many possibilities.

Also let the folks at Springpad know what you think.  They pride themselves on great customer service and listening to their customers. They’ve been really helpful for me and my questions.  You can talk to them in person at the BlogHer09 conference too.

If you have a food blog you might be interested in checking out their info on how to promote your food blog using springpad.

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