Friday Foodie Fix – Pumpkins

This week’s Secret Ingredient for Friday Foodie Fix is Pumpkins!  Right now they are everywhere.  I’ve seen them in lots of colors, shapes and sizes.  This week I purchased a Lumina or white pumpkin.  Interesting isn’t it.  It’s orange inside and I’ve read people who say it makes a good pie and others say it doesn’t, so cook at your own risk.

Friday Foodie Fix -  Pumpkins
Lumina or White Pumpkin

I found an interesting website called All About Pumpkins created by Jack Creek Farms.  You can see a list of varieties, learn the history, and get tips on growing, storing and carving pumpkins.  According to the site here are some nutritional facts for pumpkins.  Pumpkins are very high in beta-carotene (an antioxidant). Researchers believe that eating a diet rich in beta-carotene may reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers.  They also believe it helps to delay aging.  What, I’m going to eat pumpkin every week!

1 cup of cooked pumpkin flesh contains:

Calories 49, Protein 2 grams, Carbohydrate 12 grams, Dietary Fiber 3 grams, Calcium 37 mg, Iron 1.4 mg, Magnesium 22 mg, Potassium 564 mg

Zinc 1 mg, Selenium .50 mg, Vitamin C 12 mg, Niacin 1 mg, Folate 21 mcg, Vitamin A 2650 IU, Vitamin E 3 mg

OK, so what have you done with your pumpkin?  Did you carve it or eat it?  Did you also use the pumpkin seeds or pepitas?  I love to bake them with salt and then eat the meat from inside.  I used my pumpkin to make Gluten Free and Dairy Free Pumpkin Pudding. It was so good I ate it for breakfast.  I hope you will leave your original recipes here.  Then check back to see what others have left and check out their blogs.  And I would love it if you let others know about Friday Foodie Fix, especially by including it in your recipe blog post.  If you are adding an old recipe, please consider going back to the post and adding and Update.  Visit our Friday Foodie Fix page for more info.

One last thing to share.  Do you like the new button?  My really cool blog wonder girl, Mary Motz, created it.  If you want to use it in your blog post or even add it to your sidebar of your blog, I would be tickled pink, purple, red, green and about a hundred other colors.  Here is the code you need to add it:

<a href=”” target=”_blank”><img src=”” width=”173″ height=”217″ border=”0″></a>

Next week’s Secret Ingredient is ………………..Sweet Potato!

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