Menu Plan Monday – October 19

CSA October 14- butternut squash, potatoes, garlic, peppers, Hakurei turnips, Choi Sum, rosemary, collard greens, eggplant
CSA October 14- butternut squash, potatoes, garlic, peppers, Hakurei turnips, Choi Sum, rosemary, collard greens, eggplant

So is this month flying by really fast for anyone else besides me?  I’m almost to the end of my Monthly Menu used to share this Menu Plan Monday and I’m not ready to make a new one.  Fall is in full swing where I live.  It’s getting cold, the leaves are changing and starting to fall off the trees.  This means time to rake!  It’s also pumpkin time.  So this week’s Secret Ingredient for Friday Foodie Fix is pumpkin! Last week our Secret Ingredient was chicken and there are a lot of great recipes that were shared.  Make sure you check it out.  Remember, you can still share your recipes anytime for Friday Foodie Fix.

If you are interested in my gluten free restaurant reviews, please visit Gluten Free Food Critic.  I hope you have a great week and will stop back often.

Monday – Pasta with Pork

Tuesday – Corn Chipotle Soup

Wednesday Ostrich steaks

Thursday Beef and Buffalo Chili with Goats Eyes

Friday – Sweet and Sour Turkey Meatballs

Saturday Cioppino made the low cost way

Sunday Chicken Fricassee

For more menus check out OrgJunkie.

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