Friday Foodie Fix – New Year’s Day Celebration Foods and Hangover Cures

Friday Foodie Fix
Friday Foodie Fix

This is our last Friday Foodie Fix for 2009 and our first for 2010.  I’m putting this up on Thursday to give you time to add in your favorite New Year’s Day Celebration Foods and any good hangover cures you might have.

New Year’s Day meals can be so set in stone that there is no changing them.  Are there traditional foods or meals you or your family have every year?  Do you know where they started or what they mean?  Do any of them include pork, cabbage or dimes?

My favorite New Year’s Day tradition has nothing to do with food.  I grew up outside of Philadelphia and every year I couldn’t wait to see the Mummers Parade.  If you have never had that experience, I highly recommend it.  It’s like nothing you have ever seen or experienced before.  The costumes are amazing and the string bands are great.

There are different categories like Fancy Brigades, String Bands, Comics and awards for the best in each category.  There are around 15,o00 people marching in this parade in Philadelphia.  Mummers tradition dates back to 400BC and there is so much more  to tell you. Visit for more info so I can get on with the food. I really miss seeing the Mummers Parade.

Mummers_2005_Trio_Clown mummers-parade-philadephia 2000mummers37

Back to the food!  I can’t wait to read what your favorite New Year’s Day foods are and the stories behind them.  If you have posted a recipe on your blog please use Mr. Linky to share that.  Please leave your stories in the comments section.  For those of you with great hangover cures, you can leave those in the comments section too.

Happy New Year everyone!  I can’t wait to spend 2010 with you and continue to share Good Food No Matter What!™

Next week’s Secret Ingredient is ……………….Cauliflower!

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