As many of you know I am passionate about food and using the food we eat to improve our health. I have a great desire to learn more so I’m taking things to the next level. I am now studying at the Institute for Integrated Nutrition to become a Health Coach. Health Coaches are knowledgeable advisors who provide ongoing support and guidance as you set goals and make sustainable changes that improve your health and happiness.
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition is based in New York City and is the largest nutrition school in the world. The school offers the world’s leading Health Coach Training Program and teaches over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and cutting-edge coaching methods. Health Coaches from Integrative Nutrition’s world-class training program learn from top experts in the field of health and wellness including Dr. Andrew Weil, Geneen Roth, Dr. David Katz, Dr. John Douillard, Dr. Mark Hyman, and David Wolfe among many others. I’m so excited to be learning from these experts.
My education will equip me with a deep knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching, and the importance of preventive care. Drawing on my education and experience, I will work with clients to help them make the dietary and lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results.
I’m excited to be learning along with Kelly Courson who writes Celiac Chicks. She started this program last month and shared her thoughts on why in a post Is Gluten-Free The Only Goal? I also hope to follow in the footsteps of well known graduate Alex Jaimeson. She has written the books The Great American Detox Diet, Living Vegan For Dummies and Vegan Cooking For Dummies. I was so lucky to meet Alex and her husband Morgan Spurlock at the IFBC (International Food Blogging Conference) last year. They both inspired me to go beyond just writing for this blog but as Morgan put it, “take it to the streets”. That’s when I started trying to figure out how I could do just that.
So from time to time you’ll see some new things start to pop up on this blog. I will be sharing new information, asking different questions and even revealing a new website dedicated to my new Health Coaching practice. If you have questions along the way please let me know. I’m very excited to be on this journey and I hope to be able to bring you along.
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