I am so excited to share this exciting event with you for May. 30 Days to Easy Gluten-Free Living starts Monday May 2nd. Every day you will be treated to a wonderful tour around the blogersphere with different bloggers sharing tips and recipes on helping you live gluten free, the easy way.
First a little story on how this came about. One day I was reading yet another story somewhere about how hard it is to live gluten free. It was expensive, you would have to eat food that didn’t taste good, no where to eat out, traveling was a nightmare and on and on. They made it sound like the most horrible thing that anyone would have to do and that you would have to sacrifice so many foods. It was like a life in prison.
Well that was the last straw for me. I shot off an email to a group of gluten free blogger friends ranting and raving about how sick and tired I was of reading this and we should get together and show people that it’s not that at all. Now yes it can be a lot to take in the first moment you are told this, but so is will you marry me, you’re pregnant, you got the house, you got into your top pick school and other life changing statements. But you figured out how it all worked and so you can with living gluten free. We’re just going to give you a big cheat sheet.
Well the bloggers were wonderful and were really happy that we were going to put out the real info on what it’s like to live gluten free. There will be recipes and tips and all sorts of fun things to learn and try. Some may be new but others may just be a little twist on what you’ve always done.
Now here is the important thing I want you to know. Every day these blog posts will not be here on this blog like the event I did last year, 30 Days to a Food Revolution. They will be on that blogger’s blog. So you need to know a few things.
1. the home page with the entire schedule can be found by clicking HERE or looking at the very top green bar of this blog where it says 30 Days to Easy Gluten-Free Living.
2. check out the schedule and every day go to that blog to see what they have posted!
3. make it easy on yourself and follow the links now to those blogs and grab their feed or sign up to have their blog posts delivered to your email in box.
4. If you are on Twitter you’ll be looking for #easygfliving to keep track. You can also jump to either of my Diane Eblin or The WHOLE Gang Facebook pages and the bloggers participating Facebook page too.
Remember you can get the updated links to the actual blog posts on my 30 Days to Easy Gluten-Free Living Page. Check there every day.
Here’s the schedule to get you started. The topics are still rolling in so for the most up to date info go to the 30 Days to Easy Gluten-Free Living page.
Monday May 2nd me , The WHOLE Gang sharing Grocery Shopping Tips
Tuesday May 3rd Iris from The Daily Dietribe sharing on Your First Day Living Gluten Free
Wednesday May 4th Heather from Gluten-Free Cat sharing Smoothing the GF Transition with Smoothies
Thursday May 5th Alta from Tasty Eats at Home sharing Convenience Foods
Friday May 6th Elana from Elana’s Pantry sharing Quick and Easy Gluten Free Power Bars
Saturday May 7th Cheryl from Gluten Free Goodness sharing Easy Meals
Sunday May 8th Megan from Food Sensitivity Journal sharing Gluten Free Baking Undone: Easy Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie
Monday May 9th Amy from Simply Sugar and Gluten Free sharing Quick & Simply Cooking
Tuesday May 10th Ricki from Diet, Dessert and Dogs sharing Gluten Free Baking Tips
Wednesday May 11th Ellen from Gluten-Free Diva sharing Travel Tips
Thursaday May 12th Kim from Cook It Allergy Free sharing
Friday May 13th Melissa from Gluten Free For Good sharing Gluten-Free Food Rules
Saturday May 14th Brittany from Real Sustenance sharing Healthy Allergy-Free Quick Bread with easy flavor variations.
Sunday May 15th Nicola from g-free Mom sharing Kids Lunch Boxes
Monday May 16th Wendy from Celiacs in the House sharing Fast Food for Teens
Tuesday May 17th Shirley from gluten free easily sharing Your Pantry is the Key to Being GFE
Wednesday May 18th Nancy from The Sensitive Pantry sharing BBQ and Picnic tips and Recipe
Thursday May 19th Heidi from Adventures of a Gluten-Free Mom sharing tips for getting kids to eat healthy, real-food snacks!
Friday May 20th Silvana from Silvana’s Kitchen sharing
Saturday May 21st Maggie from She Let Them Eat Cake sharing
Sunday May 22nd Sea from Book of Yum sharing Gluten Free Vegetarian Burritos
Monday May 23rd Tia from Glugle Gluten-Free sharing
Tuesday May 24th Alisa from Alisa Cooks and Go Dairy Free sharing Wrap it Up-Thinking Outside the Bun
Wednesday May 25th Hallie from Daily Bites sharing
Thursday May 26th Carol from Simply…Gluten-Free sharing
Friday May 27th AndreaAnna from Life as a Plate sharing Tips on Traveling on Day Trips with Kids
Saturday May 28th Zoe from Z’s Cup of Tea sharing
Sunday May 29th Kelly from The Spunky Coconut sharing
Monday May 30th Jess from ATX Gluten-Free sharing 1 Meal 3 Ways, Jazzing up Leftovers
Tuesday May 31st Naomi from Straight into Bed, Cakefree and Dried sharing
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