Planning Now For Spring Detox Next Week

How’s you’re eating plan coming along?  Are you eating what your body loves?

Sometimes by this time of year some of my New Year’s Eve resolutions have worn off and what I said I was no longer going to eat has crept back into my diet. Has that happened to anyone else? OR, maybe you’ve done great with those resolutions and you’re ready to take the next step, a detox!

It’s time to start planning that spring time detox.  It will have to be this month for 2 weeks.  I’m thinking the last two weeks of this month starting on March 19th.  That will give us a little time to get prepared get and maybe clear out a few things from the refrigerator and freezer (anyone want a few bags of chocolate chips). Maybe I’ll throw in a little spring cleaning for my house during those two weeks too.  Yeah, that’s what I’m doing for sure.  Spring Detox for the body and spring clear out for my house.  Getting rid of all the junk that accumulates in both places.

OK, so will you be joining me for the spring detox?  Maybe the spring clear out of the house too?  Don’t be scared to detox but also don’t jump into one without knowing your body.  You might want to talk with your doctor to make sure your body can handle it.  I don’t do radical detox process.  I start with really just getting rid of the things we know can adversely affect our bodies.  If you know your body, design your own detox.  Think about the things that you know if you didn’t put into your body would make your body very happy.  That’s a great start.

My wonderful nutritionist friend Melissa McLean Jory works on this with her clients.  She has shared some in her post Spring Renewal and Detox.  I’ve taken that and made it work for me.

Diane’s Spring Detox:

No chemicals- this means eating organics and what people refer to as clean foods

No sugar unless in fruit and not much of that either

No processed foods from a box, bag, wrapper, can or anything manufactured

No alcohol

Not very much meats, condiment size portions and only organic poultry or wild caught seafood

Lots of organic green vegetables – love that fiber!

Lots of organic colors like beets, red cabbage, blueberries, pomegranates, radish and radiccho to name a few

Green smoothies daily- green juices if I had a juicer

Only green tea and no black tea with caffeine

Of course no gluten or dairy (easiest part for me) but I’m extending this to no grains or starches like potatoes, peas and beans

Daily movement to include dancing, yoga, walking

Daily meditation- I use a 5-10 minute meditation to reduce stress, longer some days

Drink lots of filtered water

Sleep 7-9 hours – this let’s the cleaning crew come in at night and clean up my body  (wish they would do my windows)

This list may be too much or not enough depending on your current habits.  Don’t be overwhelmed but pick which ones you can try and if you have more to add let me know!

I know at first I may be a little tired as my body is processing out the yuck but that’s what I want out and that is why I do a detox.

Be kind to yourself during this detox.  Grab a friend and encourage each other.  Make sure you get your rest.  Take that nice long hot bath you keep threatening to take.  Wrap yourself in those comfortable huggable clothes.  And speaking of hugs make sure you’re giving and getting those daily too.

OK ready, set, go!  Monday March 19th and we’re off and running!  During these two weeks I’ll be sharing recipes of what I’m eating and resources for other recipe ideas.  If you make a great smoothie or meal, please share it!  I’ll also share a few extras in my newsletter this month, The WHOLE-istic Life so make sure you’re on the list.

Now I’d like to hear from you!

Have you tried any type of detox before?

What was it and how did you feel?

Which items on my list are you willing to give a try for just the two weeks?

Update with related posts for Diane’s Detox

Weekend Prep

Vegetable Stock Recipe

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