Welcome back to our weekly event, Friday Foodie Fix. This is where you link up your gluten free recipes each week that contain the Secret Ingredient!
You will also find each week there will be loads of information on that ingredient so even if you don’t have any recipes to share, you’ll gather some useful information.
Make sure you check back to see what recipes have been added.
This week’s secret ingredient is Strawberries.
Healthy Facts
packed with antioxidents that fight cancer, especially colon and cervical
have been used for antibacterial properties, help with disorders of the pancreas and spleen, a liver tonic and treat sore throats
contains flavonoids, a group of phytochemicals that can counter cell damage in teh body and potentially reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and aid memory and other brain function.
contains vitamins C, E and high in fiber
low in calories and sugar content
How to Buy
The fresher the berry the better. This is one berry that you really want to make sure you buy ORGANIC! Strawberries always rank high for pesticide residues and I doubt you really want to eat a mouth full of that.
How to Store
Don’t wash your berries until you are ready to use them. When you do be very gentle and pat them dry. Store them in the refrigerator but to get the best tasting flavor from them bring them to room temperature when you are ready to eat.
Favorite Tip
With farmers markets being open and tons of amazing strawberries around, buy some extra and freeze them. Wash as noted, spread out onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and place in freezer. Once frozen transfer to a container or plastic bag and enjoy all year long.
Favorite Past Links
Strawberry Cobbler from gluten free easily
Strawberry Swirl Brownies from Good Life Eats
Homemade Strawberry Julius from Alisa Cooks
Linking up Guidelines
- Share your own recipe using the Secret Ingredient. This must be your recipe, not copied from someone else. If you were inspired by another recipe you MUST ALWAYS note that in your recipe.
- Link the URL of your Specific Individual Recipe Post, NOT to your home page.
- Please link back to this post, not a static page so your readers can find the recipes here.
- When you link, please tell us what you’re sharing.
- This is a Gluten Free Resource so please make sure you share gluten free recipes.
- Recipes do not need to be brand new on your blog, just your own and contain the Secret Ingredient.
- There is no limit to how many times you can post on any given Secret Ingredient, just Link Back.
- Please use the FFF icon in your post and feel free to add it to your sidebar! Here’s the code: <a href=”https://thewholegang.org/” target=”_blank”><img src=”https://thewholegang.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/FFF-thewholegang.jpg” width=261 height=256 border=0></a>
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