Roasted Cauliflower and Peas with Indian Spices Gluten Free Recipe

The other day I made a quick and easy lunch that I offered to share with my husband.  He refused stating he didn’t like cauliflower.  I reminded him he’s eaten it on many occasions and really liked it.  He then added “that’s my story and I’m sticking with it.”  Well he shared this story along with some great leadership points on his Next Level Blog.   He had many requests for my recipe so thank you to all who asked.

So today I’m sharing this fast and easy recipe you can make for any meal.  Yes you can make this for breakfast too.  If you are wedded to eggs scramble a few and serve alongside.  I like to munch on some sunflower seeds or a few almonds with this dish too.

Here is one of my secrets on making this meal fast.  I have an amazing Spice Tiffin that was created by Anupy Singla Gupta.  I love this and I’m seriously considering converting all of my other spices to these containers.   All I need to do is scoop out my spices using one of the two measuring spoons that comes with the tiffin and the cool half moon catch to level off that measurement and I’m set.  You know if I put my baking supplies in one of these I might actually bake.  It makes measuring and getting to these ingredients so fast and easy.  I’m in love.  When I purchased my tiffin I also made sure to get the spices.  I’ve been using them ever since and you know I’m one of those sensitive gluten free gals so they are good to go.

Anupy also wrote a great cookbook that I originally bought for my son when he was in college, The Indian Slow Cooker: 50 Healthy, Easy, Authentic Recipes (affiliate link).  Authentic, easy and healthy recipes to cook up in your crockpot.  How great is that!

Here is my recipe for today.  I’d love to hear from you what you love to cook up that makes an easy healthy gluten free meal.  This recipe was shared for Allergy Free Wednesdays on Tessa The Domestic Diva.

Roasted Cauliflower and Peas with Indian Spices Gluten Free Recipe


1 head organic cauliflower

1 1/2 cup fresh peas or frozen

1/4 tsp Turmeric

1/4 tsp Garam Masala

1/4 tsp Coriander

1/4 tsp Red Chile (remember you can always add more if you want it really hot)

1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds

Fresh Cracked Pepper and Celtic Sea Salt to taste

1 TB Organic Coconut Oil or Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil


Break or cut apart the cauliflower florets and place in a pile on a foil lined cookie sheet.  Sprinkle with the oil and toss with the seasonings and then spread out onto the sheet.

Place into a 425 degree pre-heated oven and bake for 15 minutes.

Now add in your peas and toss to combine with the seasonings and cauliflower.

Roast for another 15-20 minutes or until you see your cauliflower getting a nice golden brown.  At this point you can test it to see if the cauliflower is cooked enough for you.  If not put it back in and check it every 7-10 minutes until you are satisfied.

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