7 Things I’ve Learned in 4 Years of Gluten Free Blogging

On this day in 2008 I began writing about our gluten free lives.   So much has happened in these past 4 years.  I’ve learned a lot about easy healthy gluten free living, but I certainly didn’t start out that way.

After a few years of being sick and thinking I was losing my mind.  Then I started living gluten free February of 2007 and started this blog 18 months after that.  It took me a long time to clear out the gluten cobwebs from my mind and begin to think clearly enough to make progress in my health and lifestyle.  Did you or do you still have those cobwebs?

I didn’t have a coach or a guide to help me when I started.  I had a few websites and a determination that I wasn’t going to eat the same meals every week or spend a fortune doing it.  Well at first I spent a fortune, hours at the grocery store reading unmarked packages looking for gluten free food.  Oh and we did have a few meals we ate a little too often.  What a waste of my time, my money and my gifts.

I don’t want you to waste like I did.  So here are 7 things I’ve learned and experienced along the way:

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  • There are amazing people who live gluten free and they stop to say hello, read a post, leave a comment, subscribe to my newsletter and posts too.  I’ve met them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn and the grocery store.  They are wonderful and I’m so happy to be part of this community.
  • I started this blog as a way to keep track of the recipes I was creating and what I was learning so I could share with others.  After 797 posts I have over 500 recipes on this site that I created.  Does that mean I really like to cook or really like to share?
  • It costs a lot less money and saves me a ton of time to buy, cook and eat real foods.  No more hours reading labels.  My grocery bills are now 40% less!
  • I love to learn!  So much so I went and got myself Certified as a Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and from the American Association of Drugless Practitioners.  This means I get to Coach others and help them avoid the mistakes I made and achieve their goals with support.  I can help someone in their first year of living gluten free shorten their learning curve by 50-75% of the time it normally takes.  I LOVE working with my clients and I care very deeply about their success.
  • There are amazing gluten free bloggers out there and man are they cool to hang out with!  I’ve been so lucky to meet so many in person.  We learn from each other, share, collaborate, support and above all have a ton of fun together.  There is nothing like that in the world.
  • I can travel and eat just about anywhere they cook with real food, single ingredients and not all pre-made foods.  I have traveled to many cities and countries and have never gone hungry.  I always find people who love to cook and cook me amazing meals.  You just need to know the right questions to ask the right person.
  • If I ask and you respond.  So I’m going to ask.  If you have not signed up for my newsletter I would love for you to do so.  Please Click here to learn more about it.  (shhh but I have some cool announcements coming there real soon)  If there is something missing from what I share please let me know.  I want to support you in your journey for an easy healthy gluten free life.

So no matter where you are on your gluten free journey, I hope you will have support as you make your way through.  Live large, eat well and love those around you.  Thank you for these past 4 years.  I hope we have many more together.

easy healthy gluten free living, sans gluten But before I end this post, the most important thank you goes to my wonderful husband Scott who tastes all of the recipes I cook up and then patiently waits for me to take pictures before we eat dinner.  The love and support he gives is beyond measure.  My talented boys Andy and Brad who have tasted their fair share of really bad gluten free baking when I first started.  Thanks to the help of many,  I’ve gotten better at baking and even really good at vegetarian and vegan dishes (Brad’s not given up his steak just yet).  My boys always support what I do and say they’re not even embarrassed when I ask lots of questions at a restaurant or take pictures of my meal (no flash allowed).  I’m one lucky gluten free chica!

Thank you Scott, Andy and Brad! easy healthy gluten free living, sans gluten


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