Moving Day for The W.H.O.L.E. Gang

Moving Day
Moving Day

On Sunday this blog will be moving to a new server with a different URL.  Well, sort of different.  The URL will be .  If you are linking to the blog you will need to change the address you are using to this one.  If you have subscribed to the blog via email or through your RSS feeder you don’t have to do a thing.  The blog posts will keep being delivered right to you.

If you are subscribed through Amazon’s Kindle you should also continue to receive the posts with no problem.  If for some reason you don’t get my post Sunday on Menu Plan Monday then send me an email . I’m not the most technical person but I can help out.  If it’s a big question I’ll ask my blog guru, Mary Motz from ProVirtual Solutions.

I will keep the blog up here through Typepad, until I have everything transferred over.   I however, will not be updating the blog here, it will only be for past reference until all links have been updated. The next post on this account will say, We Moved, Please follow.

I hope you are having the same beautiful weather I am having here.  It’s a great day to move.

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