Friday Foodie Fix -Quinoa

Quinoa Plant
Quinoa Plant

Until I started eating gluten free I had no idea what quinoa was or even how it was pronounced.  Now it’s the Secret Ingredient for this week’s Friday Foodie Fix. Quinoa originated in South America where it has been an important food for 6000 years.  Now you can purchase quinoa and products made with quinoa at your local grocery.  I prefer the Inca Red Quinoa to the traditional but have not tried Black Quinoa yet.  Have you?  I also really like the quinoa pasta made by the same company Ancient Harvest Quinoa and have baked with the Quinoa flour and the flakes.

But what’s good about quinoa?  How about for every ¼ cup of quinoa, it has 6 grams of protein, 3 grams of fat, 4 grams of fiber and is a 35 on the gylcemic index.  Oh, did I mention it tastes good and is extremely versatile.   I cannot eat rice but use quinoa as a substitute.  I even made quinoa sushi one day.  It worked really well.

Here are a few recipes I’ve made with either red quinoa, quinoa flour, quinoa flakes or quinoa pasta.

Ancient Harvest Quinoa Products
Ancient Harvest Quinoa Products

Spaghetti & Meatballs

Mediterranean Tuna Pasta with Artichokes

Quinoa Muffins

Quinoa Salad

Blueberry & Blackberry Crumble Pie

Friday Foodie Fix
Friday Foodie Fix

So what have you created with quinoa?  I hope you will share it here.  Many of you have noticed the Mr. Linky has been very touchy, and sometimes he’s there and works and sometimes he’s not.   So if you arrive here and he didn’t join the party just email me the name of your blog, title of the recipe and the link and I’ll add it in myself.  We’re not going to let Mr. Linky spoil our Friday Foodie Fix Fun!  If you forget the rules or are reading them for the first time, here they are. When you link to this blog please make sure the url you are using is and not with  This weekend I will be moving the blog to a Word Press account and I’d hate to lose you.  As long as you use the main website url you’ll keep connected.  If you’ve subscribed no worries, you will automatically move right along with me.

Next week’s secret ingredient is ………….……..Mushrooms!

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