Friday Foodie Fix – Kale

Friday Foodie Fix - Kale
Friday Foodie Fix

This week’s Secret Ingredient for Friday Foodie Fix is Kale.   I find kale to be a polarizing food.  People seem to have strong reactions when you mention it.  Some rave about and love to use it in soups, salads, smoothies and many more ways.  Actually they will share an endless supply of ways to use it.  Then there are others who will scrunch their noses and give you that whiny voice, kale. I believe those folks have either not tasted it or have had a bad experience.  That used to be me.  Kale was what I used to garnish the salad bars and trays I used to make while catering, not something I ate.  Boy was I missing out!

Friday Foodie Fix - Kale For instance if you hang on to your kale for a more than a few days the taste starts to become very strong and leaves become limp.  Not pretty.  Kale really has a mild cabbagey flavor and comes in many colors and varieties.  It, unlike me, likes the colder climates but is grows in warm climates too.

Kale can be used in just about any way you would use spinach.

Kale is a good source of Vitamin A and C, folic acid, calcium and iron.  It is also has powerful antioxidant properties and is considered to be an anti-inflammatory.

Here’s something else I find fun about kale.  It freezes well and it actually tastes sweeter when exposed to a frost.

1 pound of fresh kale = about 3 cups of cooked kale.

Now I use it in my green smoothies and slip it into soups and such but I really want to increase the amount of kale I consume.  It’s just so good I hate to pass that up.  So I’m hoping you will share your recipes here.  If you see something similar to you please share yours too.  The more options the better!  PLEASE remember to only link recipes that include this Secret Ingredient, use the link to your specific recipe not your home page and link back your recipe to this post.  Check the Friday Foodie Fix page for all the rules.

Next week’s Secret Ingredient is …..Rice!

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