Friday Foodie Fix- Chickpeas

Friday Foodie Fix
Friday Foodie Fix

Today’s Secret Ingredient for Friday Foodie Fix is Chickpeas.  They are also called garbanzo beans and in Italy ceci.  Chickpeas are legumes.  They are round but with sensual curves and a pale creamish yellow color which is nothing like a lemon.  Firm texture and a nut like flavor fill your mouth.  You can even undress them by taking off the skins.  Chickpeas can be purchased canned and dried and are often found in many dishes from India, the Middle East, Mediterranean cuisine and even Mexican meals.

Chickpeas are a good source of zinc, folate, dietary fiber, protein and calcium.  So what’s not to love about chickpeas?

This week I shared two of my favorite recipes using chickpeas, La Cecina and Roasted Chickpeas.  I’ve also used them in my Pasta Fagioli, Amazing Toasted Nuts, Falafel, and  Tuna Chickpea Salad.

La Cecina- Chickpea Bread Recipe Roasted Chickpeas Recipe

Now it’s your turn to share your recipes and ideas for chickpeas.  Please link to the recipe page with this ingredient and then link back to this post so people can find more chickpea recipes.

Please see the master page for Friday Foodie Fix with a complete listing of all the past Secret Ingredients and rules.  Coming soon a month schedule of Secret Ingredients for those who like to plan ahead!

Next week’s Secret Ingredient is …..Plums!

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